Technologies - Foursun Solar

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Did you know that the amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year. Solar energy has amazing potential to power our daily lives thanks to constantly-improving technologies.

Solar energy systems come in all shapes and sizes. Residential systems are found on rooftops across India and businesses are also opting to install solar panels to offset their energy costs. Utilities, too, are building large solar power plants to provide cleaner energy to all customers connected to the grid.

Solar plants works on simple principle of photo voltaic, converting sunlight incident on solar panel into electricity. A grid-connected photo voltaic power system is an electricity generating solar PV power system that is connected to the utility grid. A grid-connected PV system consists of solar panels, one or several inverters, and grid connection equipment. They range from small residential and commercial rooftop systems to large utility-scale solar power stations.

Optimiser Based Power Plant

  • With time and advancement in the technology, our optimiser based technology gives monitoring at module level, eliminating every risk of non-functioning of the power plant.
  • Identifying solar panel as the highest invested component in the solar plant, our technology ensures that the module used in the plant is generating upto its designed efficiency and de-rating of the panel is as per manufacturer’s datasheet and warranty card.
  • Our technology totally eliminated risk of non-performance of power plants and module mismatch. Our technology can be embedded in new as well as existing power plants. Our technology innovation is also backed by our strong technology partners and driven by innovation.


  • Maximum power point tracking per module.
  • Module level safety and monitoring.
  • Remote monitoring for 25 years.
  • Module level shutdown in case of emergency with inbuild safe DC.
  • SafeDC feature helps in easy installation with electrical shock.
  • Flexible design and helps in maximum utilisation of roof.
  • Different rating panel can be used in same string in case of module replacement.
  • Eliminates the risk of low output due to shadow, module mismatch and uneven panel aging.


Government Benefits

  • Accelerated Depreciation AD benefit of 90% is available with 80% that can be claimed in first year of the installation to commercial and non commercial entities. It allows them to reduce their taxable profit in a given year.
  • Electricity Duty ED exemption is available for 10 years to the entities installing solar power plant for captive consumption.
  • Net Metering The state facilitates net metering scheme on government, residential, industrial and commercial building, with government buying the surplus amount of energy that the premise is producing.
  • Central Financial Assistance Capital subsidy of 15% is available for institution and home owners for installation for solar power plant.

Social Benefits

  • Investing in Green solar power, you show your concern to environmental consciousness and accountability. Customers, employees, and investors are more likely to work with organizations who adopt sustainable practices as part of their CSR responsibilities. Also you are lowering your carbon footprint and helping combat global climate change and reducing our dependence on foreign energy and fossil fuels.


FAQ on Gujarat Solar Power Policy- 2015

Gujarat Solar power Policy- 2015’ was announced on 13th August 2015.

  • (i) To promote green and clean power and to reduce the State’s carbon mission.
  • (ii) To reduce dependency on fossil fuels for energy security and sustainability.
  • (iii) To help reduce the cost of renewable energy generation.
  • (iv) To promote investment, employment generation and skill enhancement in the renewable energy sector.
  • (V) To encourage growth of local manufacturing facilities in line with the ‘Make in India’ programme.
  • (Vi) To research, development and innovation in renewable energy.

Minimum size of Project Capacity Should be 1 kW.

It can be installed within premises under Residential, Government, Commercial, Industrial and Others category.

This Policy shall come into effect from date of its notification and shall remain in operation up to March 31, 2020.

Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person shall be eligible for setting up of SPGs, either for the purpose of captive use and/ or for selling of electricity to the Distribution License/Third Party whether or not under the renewable energy certificate (REC) mechanism in accordance with the electricity Act-2003, as amended from time to time.

This policy also witnessed setting up India’s first and Asia’s largest Solar Park at Charanka in Patan District.

DISCOMs, in order to meet their RPO, may purchase solar power, both PV and solar thermal, from Developers at a power purchase rate determined through competitive bidding.

Solar projects set up for captive use, both directly or under the REC mechanism.

Solar power projects may be set up under NSM with sale of power to SECI, NVVN, or any other such designed agencies.

As per Central Electriciy Authority (Installation & Operation of Meters) Amendment Regulations, 2014 as amended from time to time. The Bi-directional meter of same accuracy class as the Consumer’s meter existing before SPG installation shall be used or ABT-Compliant meter shall be used for RPO & REC category obligation.

Demand cut is not applicable for Residential and Government Consumers while Exemption up to 50% of the installed solar capacity for Industrial, Commercial and Others wherever technically feasible.

Up to a maximum of 50% of the Consumer’s sanction load/Contact Demand.

In case of net import: Consumer’s existing tariff shall apply.

In case of net export: Any surplus energy generated and exported after adjustment of consumption at the end of the billing cycle shall be purchased by the concerned DISCOM at APPC rate of the year in which the SPG is Commissioned.

Banking of energy shall be allowed within one billing cycle of the consumer.

Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation.

Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation.

Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation.

Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation.

Electricity duty exempted on the generated Solar Power.

Minimum size of Project Capacity Should be 1 MW.

Why Us?


Solar technology with wide array of application required lot of data collection and software simulation. All this has to be done with best performance ratio for the plant that can generate quick return on the investment. Therefore we provide the solution according to the customer needs and after proper simulation.

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